
Adventure Time with Madeline and Fritz 5

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Madeline was floating around her bed room early one night. She only had 5 days left to go until the Candy festival... and her songs were getting harder and harder to write.

"Ugh!" She struck a loud cord on her bass, and she looked down at her instrument. She didn't know thinking of lyrics would be so HARD. She never had trouble before... but since others told her to write about Love and junk... she was having a hard time.

"Too hard..." she sighed out, as she floated up, so her back was lever with the ground. She stared up at the ceiling above her, and she made a sour face.

A bell ran in the corner of her room, and she looked over at the mega phone that she had. It connected through a tube to the down stairs, so she could be called down for meals.

"MADELINE!" The megaphone shouted at her, it had to be fritz. "Pim is here!"

"Pim...?" Madeline said, and she floated out of her bedroom, and headed down to the lower part of the tree house.

"Hey, Madeline." Pim was standing in the living room of the tree house with Fritz, who was wearing an apron covered in different stains. The Prince though, was dressed in a sky blue hoodie, and a pair of darker blue jeans.

"Haha, why so casual?" Madeline asked her friend. He almost always wore his princely outfit.

" uh... came to see if you wanted to hang out." Pim said, smiling at her. He had a light pink color to his cheeks. "Maybe go for a walk? Catch some pixies, and strangle them...?"

"Sure, sounds rhombus!" Madeline sad, as she shoved her bass into her bag. "I need a break from writing songs."

"Great," Pim said, smiling happily. Madeline hadn't realized it, but it had been a long time since the two of them hung out together alone.

"Well, be careful. Call if there are demons," Fritz said, as he rolled his sleeves up. "I'll be here, making energy snacks."

"I heard you were doing a food stall again this year." Pim smiled at Fritz, "More high energy snacks?"

"Yep. For those who need it." Fritz said, smiling a bit. "I have practice making them for Madeline, though, she could use less energy."

"Haha, no! I always need more!" Madeline said excitedly, and her brother just shook his head.

"Don't stay out to late," Fritz told her, and he gave Pim a hard look. "Alright?"

"I'll have her back before to late." Pim said, smiling nervously. Pim always slid just under Frtiz's radar for boys.

The two friends left the tree house, and wandered over the grassy plains, towards the forest. Pim looked over at Madeline, and smiled a bit, as she floated down to her feet to walk with him.

"So, how are your songs coming?" Pim asked. He shoved his hands in his pockets nervously, to keep them from wandering.

"Ugh, it's kind of hard." Madeline sad, as she looked down at the grass in front of them. "I'm trying to write those love songs everyone mentions... but I've never been in love.... or in like with anyone..."

"Never...?" Pim asked, looking a bit down from her statement.

"No..." Madeline sighed, and she rubbed her head with her hand. She looked up at her friend, and lowered her hand from her head. "Pim, have you ever been in love...?"

Pim almost tripped as she asked him this, and he looked over at her, blushing a bright red, before he looked away.

"... Yeah... I still am." He said shyly as they entered the forest.

"WHAAAAAT?!" Madeline yelled loudly, and she floated in front of her friend's face, and grinned widely."Who is it?! Do I know her?!"

"Uh..." Pim stopped, and looked her in the eyes, before he looked away. "You know her... very well."

"... Pim you can't love your sister like that." Madeline said, as she came to the conclusion, the only girl she knew well was Princess Bubble Frost."

"What?! NO! GROSS, MADELINE!" Pim said, and the girl laughed. He blushed a bright red now, and he looked down. "No it's not my sister.... the girl I like... it's..."

"OH! A PIXIE!" Madeline shouted excitedly, interrupting the prince. Pim looked up as the girl flew over to the pixie, and grabbed it out of it's flight. Pim followed after her, as she strangled the sunlight out of the pixie, almost violently.

"Haha!" Madeline laughed as the sunlight left the pixie's body, looking like fireflies. The girl threw the creature into a bush, and it grumbled in anger, before it took off, looking for safety.

"Madeline..." Pim said, and she turned around to look up at her friend. "... Can we talk...?"

"... about what?" Madeline asked, as she clued in on the prince's serious tone. She stood on her feet again.

Pim looked down, he scrunched his shoulders up around his neck, hiding the bottom portion of his face in the neck of his large hoodie.

"... Let's go this way." He said, as she reached his hand out, and took hers. He lead her through the forest, for a while, neither of them speaking, until they came to a clearing. The two sat down in the grass, and Pim smiled at her. "Look up at the stars." He said, looking up with her. "Aren't they pretty...?"

"Haha, I know, right?!" Madeline said excitedly, and she leaned back on her hands, and grinned. "Jordan and I go star gazing all the time! He says it's the next best thing to being able to go in the sun."

"... You and Jordan hang out a lot lately..." Pim said, looking at her. Madeline lowered her gaze to look at Pim, and she smiled.

"Well yeah. Him and I got flying, and we beat up some beasts that only come out at night!" She said excitedly. "And he's teaching me about the meanings of certain colors of roses! He's so cool, Pim!"

"... yeah..." Pim said, as he looked down at the grass, and he pulled at it with his fingers.

"He kisses me a lot...." Madeline said, and Pim's attention swung right back to her. "... Bubbles called it sexual harassment."

"Well Bubbles is right!" Pim said, and Madeline looked at him. "Madeline you can't just let that guy kiss you all the time! He's just some kind of play boy! he likes to play with girl's feelings, make them fall for him!"

"... He doesn't play with my feelings." Madeline said, frowning. "Why are you talking so bad about Jordan, Pim? We're all friends!"

"I don't want to be friends with that guy! Not if he keeps hugging and kissing you all the time! It makes me...." Pim looked down, an angry upset look on his face. "IT MAKES ME JEALOUS!"

".... Jealous...?" Madeline asked curiously, and her was twisted in confusion. "... Jealous of what...? Pim if you want me to hug you, you could ask."

"That's not it!" Pim said, and he looked in the eye, and took her hand in his. "... Madeline... the girl I like... it's you."

Madeline blinked, as she looked at her best friend, and she smiled.

"Well I like you too, Pim. We're best friends." Madeline said happily, and The Prince looked like some one hit him with a frying pan.

"Madeline, that's not what I mean!" Pim said, and he started to grow frustrated. He touched her cheek, before he leaned in, and kissed her.

Madeline froze instantly. Pim's kiss was so different from Jordan's, it was soft, and unsure... it even tasted like mint.... But the kiss didn't make her stomach turn, or her cheeks blush in embarrassment. She didn't get excited inside, she just felt... nothing.

Pim pulled his lips from hers, and looked her in the eyes. He saw the look of confusion there, and a little bit of hurt.

"... Pim you're not Jordan..." Madeline told him, and that seemed to hit the prince hard.

"... No I'm not." Pim said, and he gripped her hands in his. "I don't go kissing just anyone... I only kiss the girl I have deep feelings of love for!"

"Love...?" Madeline asked, shocked. Her cheeks burned a bright red, and Pim nodded his head.

"... Yeah Madeline..." Pim told her, and he leaned in to kiss her again, but she pulled her head back. The prince looked at her, and she looked upset, confused.

"I..." She pulled her hands from his, and floated away, up to her feet. "... Pim I..."

"... I understand..." Pim said, looking down. He was upset... he shouldn't have acted so rash. "...I know you don't feel the same..."

"... Pim..." Madeline said in a small voice, and her friend stood up.

"But, I'll keep trying till one day you do." He told her, and Madeline's cheeks turned pink again. "... Just... don't go falling in love with some one else!"

".... Pim..." Madline said once more, and the pink prince smiled at her sadly, before he leaned in, and kissed her cheek.

"I'm going to head home... alone." Pim told her. Madeline couldn't look at him... she knew he was probably sad she couldn't return his feelings. "... See you later Madi..."

Madeline stood there, and looked up as Pim turned and left the clearing. She watched his back till she couldn't see it anymore...

"haaa..." Madeline let out a long held in breath, and sunk to her knee's in the grass. She put both her hands on her head, utterly confused.

Her best friend was actually in love with her... Madeline liked Pim... but she didn't like him that way.... She pulled her hat off her head, and looked into it, as she held it in her lap.

His kiss was nothing like Jordan's... she didn't feel much with it, other than awkward....

"Well, the Prince sure is brave," A smooth voice called out, and Madeline looked up at the tree tops. Her cheeks and eye lit up as she saw Jordan floating out from the shadows. The vampire circled around her, smiling. "What's the matter Princess, you look upset..."

"... It's just..." Madeline fiddled with her hat in her lap. Jordan floated around to her front, and sat in the grass in front of her. "... Pim said...."

"That he loved you." Jordan grinned, and he ran a hand through his long purple bangs, pushing them back. Today the smooth vampire was dressed in a ripped up grey t-shirt, and tight black jeans. He still wore his biker boots though, and his earrings caught the moonlight. "I heard everything... I was floating around here, looking for food."

"Oh..." Madeline said, and she blushed a bright red as she realized he probably saw them kiss, and Madeline touched her lips with her fingers nervously. "You didn't....?"

"See you two kiss? Yes I did." Jordan asked, and he grinned at her. Deep down Jordan was irritated the Prince dared to kiss his princess like that, but Jordan supposed he was one to talk. "how was it...?"

"Minty." Madeline said, and Jordan burst out laughing. "What?"

"Haha! Girls normally say something more along the lines of, sweet, or spicy." Jordan told her, and grinned widely.

"No... it was just... minty." Madeline told him, and Jordan chuckled once more. "... Do you go around kissing a lot of girls...?"

"Hmm?" Jordan stopped, and then his expression flattened out. "... I used too." He said, as he scratched his head.

"... Have you ever been in love...?" Madeline asked curiously, and Jordan looked at her, and smiled.

"Love...? No." He said, shaking his hand. "I hung out with some girls, simply cause they were good kissers. We didn't date cause we were in love... we dated cause we had fun together..."

"... Should I date Pim then...?" Madeline asked, "I have fun with him... I mean... if he likes me, why not...?"

"No." Jordan blurted out, before he could stop himself. The both of them looked a bit shocked that he said this, and Jordan groaned, as he scratched his cheek with his finger. "... Doing that is wrong, Madeline..."

"Than why did you do it...?" She asked curiously.

"Because I'm evil, that what evil people do." Jordan told her, and Madeline sat up straight and looked at him, pouting. "... What...?"

"You're not evil!" She told him, and Jordan leaned back away from her, as she floated close to him. "You're not! You're a cool guy, and fun to hang out with!"

"... Madeline, I'm from the NightOsphere... everything there is evil..." Jordan told her simply, but she leaned closer to him, their noses almost touching.

"NO!" She told him, and she pushed him back in the grass. The Vampire was surprised she did that, and he looked up at her. She looked upset that he kept insisting he was evil. "You're not! you can't be evil if you're my friend!"

"... That's not how it works..." Jordan told her, frowning. "Madeline I know you don't like it, but I am dead... forever... and as a Vampire, I can kill anything I want... and never die... I was born for evil... and I'll die being evil..."

"NOOO!" MAdeline shouted down at him, and his eyes widened as he saw tears form in her big blue eyes. "You're not! stop saying that!"

"Madeline..." Jordan frowned, and his hands went up, and touched her cheeks. He didn't like it... he didn't like those tears of hurt, he wanted them to go away... "Stop crying, Princess..."

"Don't call me that, if you're going to keep saying you're evil!" she told him, and the vampire cringed a bit. "You can't! You can't be evil, you helped me with those demons... you healed my wound, and got rid of poison... you brought a rose back to life...."

"... Fine." Jordan smiled at her. He didn't want her to keep hurting, and fretting over his morals. "I'm good... I'm not evil... you caught me."

The Vampire brushed the tears from her eyes and cheeks, and Madeline blinked, and a small smiled appeared on her lips.

"Haha..." Madeline laughed a bit, "That was mean Jordan... not funny at all...."

"It was a bit funny." Jordan told her. He liked that her smile came back, and he smiled a bit more. If she kept her smile, he'd pretend to be good.... "Sorry I made you cry."

"I didn't cry." Madeline said, and a pout appeared on her lips. "I'm a strong adventuress! we don't cry!" She told him, and Jordan laughed, as he brought his face up to hers.

"You sure...?" He asked, "Cause... I had to clean the tears off your cheeks."

"I don't cry!" Madeline said loudly, and Jordan chuckled, before he touched her cheek with his cool fingers.

"Don't lie Madeline, that's bad." He told her, before he brushed his lips against hers, in a soft cool kiss.

Madeline felt her stomach turn inside, and shivers run up her spine. Jordan chuckled as he looked her in the eyes, and grinned.

"You're blushing... That's another point on top of my 64." The Vampire teased her, and Madeline bit her lip.

"That's not fair!" She told him, and she pushed him back onto his back. The Vampire just laughed, and looked up at her. "I can't figure out how to get you to blush!"

"Well, you could try kissing me," Jordan told her, wiggling his eyebrows at her tauntingly. "If it's good enough, I just might blush."

"Aah.." Madeline blushed a bright red, again.

"66." Jordan told her, touching her nose with his finger.

"nooo!" Madeline said, as she grabbed her head. "Stop that! no! it's not 66!"

"Hmm..." Jordan caught the end of her braid in his fingers, and looked up at her. "Yes it is."

"Nooo!" she cried out again, and Jordan laughed, as he sat up. Madeline was a bit surprised, but Jordan collected her in his lap, and he twiddled the end of her braid in his fingers.

"Let's watch the stars, yeah...?" Jordan asked her, and he looked up at the night sky. It was nice, just sitting there with her in his lap. She was warm...

Madeline looked up at the sky as well, and she hummed softly. It was one of her tunes, and Jordan turned his head to look down at her.

"Did you bring your bass...?" He asked her, and Madeline looked at him, and nodded her head. "Pull it out, play it."

"Alright!" She said happily, and she pulled her bass out of her bag.

"Math." Jordan said, using one of her favorite words. The two both laughed, as Madeline tuned her bass up, and began playing the slow tune she had created. Jordan listened to it, and leaned back on his hands, while she continued to sit in his lap. "... That's a beautiful tune.... Any words....?"

".... No..." Madeline said sadly. "I'm having trouble with the lyrics...."

"Hmm..." Jordan watched as she turned her head to look back at him. She caught his gaze with her big blue eyes. "Keep playing... maybe I can help..."

"Okay." Madeline smiled, as she started playing her bass again.

Jordan sat back up, and rested his hands on his knee's, as he leaned behind her, looking down at her hands, as they played the instrument. She looked up at him again, as she continued playing, and he smiled as he looked into those big blue eyes. Jordan opened his mouth to sing some words that came to him...

When the days are cold,
And the cards all fold,
And the saints we see,
Are all made of gold.

When your dreams all fail,
And the ones we hail,
Are the worst of all,
And the blood’s run stale.

I want to hide the truth,
I want to shelter you.
But with the beast inside,
There’s nowhere we can hide.

No matter what we breed!
We still are made of greed,
This is my kingdom come...
This is my kingdom come.

Madeline blushed softly, as Jordan sang to her tune. His voice was so smooth... more than usual... She felt her heart flutter inside her chest, as he stared into her eyes while he sang. Her tune picked up, and Jordan continued on singing for her.

When you feel my heat...
Look into my eyes...
It’s where my demons hide!
It’s where my demons hide!
Don’t get too close...
It’s dark inside...
It’s where my demons hide!
It’s where my demons hide!

Madeline blushed a bright red, as Jordan continued to stare at her while they both carried on the song, and his look seemed to turn a bit sad.

When the curtain’s call,
Is the last of all,
When the lights fade out,
All the sinners crawl.

So they dug your grave,
And the masquerade,
Will come calling out,
At the mess you made.

Don’t want to let you down,
But I am hell bound!
Though this is all for you,
Don’t want to hide the truth...

No matter what we breed!
We still are made of greed...
This is my kingdom come.
This is my kingdom come.

Her tune crashed back into a faster pace, and Jordan wrapped his arms around her middle, and hugged her close to his chest.

When you feel my heat...
Look into my eyes...
It’s where my demons hide!
It’s where my demons hide!
Don’t get too close...
It’s dark inside...
It’s where my demons hide!
It’s where my demons hide!

They say it's what you make,
I say it's up to fate...
It's woven in my soul.
I need to let you go!

Your eyes, they shine so bright!
I want to save their light!
I can't escape this now!
Unless you show me how!

When you feel my heat...
Look into my eyes....
It’s where my demons hide!
It’s where my demons hide!
Don’t get too close...
It’s dark inside...
It’s where my demons hide!
It’s where my demons hide!

Madeline struck the last cord, and She blushed a deep cherry red. Jordan was still staring at her, with a serious look in his eyes that frightened her a bit.... His lowered his face to hers, and she felt her breath leave her lungs, and shivered run up and down her spine once more.

"Don't stare at me so hard... I might get holes." Jordan whispered against her lips, and he pulled his head back, grinning widely.

If it was possible, Madeline's cheeks got redder, and Jordan laughed. "67!"

"Whaaaaa!" Madeline squirmed in his lap, and Jordan laughed as he held onto her tightly, and tickled her sides. The girl let out a fit of laughter as he tickled her, and the two rolled back onto the grass, as Madeline thrashed around. She had let her bass fall onto the grass, as she tried to squirm out of the Vampire's grip.

"Oh no, My Princess." Jordan said, grinning almost evily. "No one escapes Vampire Jordan's ticklish grasp!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" MAdeline was running out of breath, and her sides hurt from laughing. "JOR-HAAAA-DAAAN! STOOOOOOOP!" She demanded, and the Vampire laughed as he stopped tickling her, and she fell back against him, trying to catch her breath. Jordan chuckled, as he touched the top of her head, and messed her bangs up. "That was Evil...!"

"Well," Jordan grinned and winked down at her.

"Haha," Madeline smiled brightly at him, as she pushed herself off of him. She grinned happily, and Jordan chuckled.

"You look like a cat." Jordan told her, even with out her hat, this ran true. "A happy cat who found it's prey."

"Hee," Madeline laughed, as she leaned down and touched her nose to his. Jordan blinked in confusion, and blushed softly, as she pulled her head back up. "That's how Cat's say hello!"

"... Oh..." Jordan said, a bit stunned by the simple act.

"8!" Madeline said excitedly, as she pinched his cheeks, and Jordan groaned. "I got 8 points!"

"I still have 67." Jordan told her. Madeline let go of his cheeks, and he grinned at her.

The two continued to sit in the grass, and Madeline would play her tunes out for Jordan, while he listened intently, loving each note that mixed in the air around them.

It was getting late, when Madeline yawned loudly, and Jordan chuckled.

"Is my Princess tired...?" He asked her, and she nodded her head, and tried to stifle another yawn. "I'll take you home..."

"Okay..." She mumbled, and Jordan chuckled once more, as he helped her put her bass away, before he scooped her up in his arms, bridal style. The Vampire floated off into the air, and back towards the girls home. Madeline looked up at him tiredly as he carried her, and she rubbed her eyes. "Hmm... thanks for helping me with my music, Jordan...."

"No problem." Jordan told her, as he looked down at the tired girl in his arms. He smiled softly, as she yawned once more. He brought her into her hard to reach bedroom, and set her down on her bed.

"Hmm... do you wanna stay over...?" Madeline asked him tiredly, and Jordan chuckled once more.

"Is that an invitation to stay in your bed with you...?" Jordan asked her, as she fell back into her bed, and her head rested on her pillow.

"If you want..." Madeline told him, looking up at him from her pillow, as she pulled her blanket up over herself. Jordan blushed a bit at how adorable she looked when she was tired, and the Vampire shook his head,

"Maybe another time... when you understand what it means to sleep with man..." Jordan told her, and he pulled her hat off her head for her. He watched as Madeline just passed right out in her bed, sleeping peacefully.

The Vampire buried his hands in his jean pockets, and he watched as his Princess slept, probably dreaming about beating up more demons with him and her other friends... The vampire laughed to himself, that had to be it... She was to innocent and pure for other kinds of dreams....

The Vampire then frowned, as he thought about she rejected him being evil, and he looked away from her, and over at the rose he brought back to life for their group.... Jordan felt a pain in his chest... if only she knew... why he was really in Aaa.... The Vampire shook his head free of worrying thoughts, and he leaned down, and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, before he floated out of the girls room.

"Haaaaa~" Madeline sighed out, as she sat in the kitchen the next morning, and she yawned loudly, and looked over at her brother, who was busy making her breakfast. "... I'm hungry Fritz..."

"Yeha I know... here." Fritz said, as he thunked some pancakes in front of her. They were plain, and Madeline looked up at him.

"... No syrup...?" she asked sadly, and her brother held up the syrup. "Yay!"

"No." Fritz said, and Madeline looked confused. "You don't get any syrup till you tell me where you were last night, so long. I phoned Pim, and he said he left you alone in the forest."

"Oh.." Madeline looked down, remembering what Pim said to her last night. "... I uh... well Pim left early after he told me he loved me... so I hung out with Jordan."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Fritz cried out, dropping the syrup dispenser. Madeline caught it swiftly, and looked up at her brother, confused. "He told you he loved you?!"

"Yeah..." Madeline said, and she leaned away from her brother, as his eyes became demon like and he hissed.

"Did he do anything funny to you?!" He demanded, and Madeline bit her lip. She might have just dug Pim's grave for him...

"He kissed me..." She said, unsure if she should have said anything, because Fritz hissed loudly in anger, and stomped over to the phone. "... Fritz...?"

"I'M GUNNA KILL HIM. HIM AND THAT JORDAN!" Fritz said in anger, and Madeline sighed.

"Fritz, it's fine... I turned Pim down." Madeline said, looking down at her pancakes sadly.

Fritz turned around to look at her, his face back to normal. He saw how sad his sister looked, and he walked back over, and sat down across the table from her.

"..... I feel real bad about it... but I don't feel that away about Pim..." Madeline said sadly. "Queen Simone explained what love is to me... and I just... don't get those feelings with Pim..."

"Good," Fritz mumbled, He felt bad for the prince, for being friend zoned... but this was his sister. "... Madeline, there's no reason to feel sorry... it's not your fault you don't feel the same way."

"... Am I broken...?" Madeline asked, looking up at her brother.

"No, you're perfectly fine." Fritz smiled at her. "But if you ever feel that way about a guy one day, make sure you tell me first."

"Why...?" Madeline asked curiously, as she began eating her pancakes.

"So I can murder him." Fritz said seriously, but Madeline thought he was kidding, and she burst out laughing.



I need to stop writing fluff. but I like it so much.


oh btw,

I do NOT own the song.

It's called Demons
and it's by imagine dragons.

amazing song. Totally Jordan's theme song btw. I'm saying that right now.

go listen to it, and re-read this, cause you need the song paying to get why.

Imagine Dragons~ Demons
© 2013 - 2024 Ciaxlia
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marclene's avatar
THANK YOU I LOVE DEAMONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor pim WHYYYY!