
Adventure Time with Madeline and Fritz Ch. 24

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“Bubbles...” Fritz's voice sounded rough and it cracked as he looked down at his girlfriend laying in her infirmary bead. The room was filled with injured people, and others scrambling to help those who had gotten hurt. The blonde boy gripped the candy princess's hand gently as she looked up at him with a pained smile.

“I'm alright... don't look so upset...” Bubbles told him, and the vampire prince seemed to fight back tears as he bent over her and his his face. “... I'm sorry, we lost the last gem... there were so many of them...”

“That's not what matters...” Fritz told her, and looked her in her bright pink eyes. “I should have been here to protect you...”

“It's alright...” The princess stroked the back of Fritz's hand with her thumb, before Madeline came over. “Madeline...”

“I'm going to heal you up now...” The Vampire Princess looked tired. The rescue group hadn't gotten to rest in the last 24 hours. They were busy helping the injured out, and assessing the damage done by Jordan's uncle and cousin.

“What about Jordan...?” Bubbles asked, glancing over at the purple haired vampire who was helping to heal serious injuries with Alistair on the other side of the room. “He was out cold when you brought him back....”

“He's fine,” Fritz muttered as he and his sister both started to help Bubbles in her healing. “... I mean, he went into some kinda rage, but he's okay now.”

“... Are my Mom and Dad okay...?” Bubbles asked curiously and finally got a smile out of the twins.

“They're fine. They're helping out the citizens too!” Madeline said with a laugh in her voice as she finished up healing with her brother. The candy Princess sat up in her bed, feeling much better.

“I'm going to go see them.” Bubbles swung her legs off the bed and got up. “But lets see what we can do here for the time being, first.”

The group in the infirmary helped out as best they could, before Madeline left the room, and took a seat outside in the hallway on the ground. She pushed her fingers back through her hair as she closed her eyes.

When the rescue team had gotten back to the castle, they were met with absolute disaster. The castle was still standing, but they when they talked with Pim about what happened, they all felt utterly defeated.

While Madeline and the others were gone, Azazel and Darren had come to the candy kingdom with a few larger demons to wreck havoc and destruction. Donovan himself had taken on Azazel himself, but the fight was just a distraction, as Darren managed to get the last gem of power from the castle.

“Madeline...” The vampire princess lifted her head to the familiar sound of her mothers voice. Fionna was standing above her with a sad look on her face. She took a seat beside her daughter on the ground, and put a comforting arm around her shoulders. “... You look tired, you should rest...”

“Mom...” Madeline looked up at her with tears in her eyes, before she threw her arms around her mothers middle and cried softly. “Mom... I'm so sorry... I didn't protect the Candy Kingdom... I failed...”

“Madi... You're wrong...” Fionna stroked her daughters hair gently as she hugged her. “you did your best... None of us saw this coming, or could even stop it... All is not lost though. We're still alive, we can still fight. They may have the means to bring the whole Night'O'sphere here... but we will stop them when they come through.”

“Are you sure...?” Madeline asked, looking up at her mother with tear filled eyes.

“Yes, I'm sure...” Fionna smiled at her, and wiped her daughters tears away with her fingers. “We are Heroines of Aaa, we can do this...”

“Mom...” Madeline hugged her mother tightly, feeling a bit better about the situation, but a knot still held strong in the pit of her stomach.

“Now... Tell me all about your adventures while I was away... We haven't had time to talk since we got back, but I see that you've got yourself a boyfriend.” Fionna winked at her daughter, causing Madeline's cheeks to turn pink.

“Well, we fought all these crazy hideous demons while you were gone...!”  Madeline's voice sounded happier now. “And uh... His name is Jordan....”

“I kinda figured.” Fionna said with a grin plastered on her face. “We met briefly.”

“OH YEAH! I forgot we travelled back to the past!” Madeline giggled a bit, and leaned back against the wall with her mother. “Well, after all that junk happened, we sent Adish back to the Nigh'O'Sphere permanently! Then all this started to happen... Darren came along and, well he said Jordan was our enemy, kept on saying he was the one who was supposed to steal the Enchirideon and gems...”

“Oh my,” Fionna frowned a bit, she was not aware of that detail.

“But, he never wanted to! He's a good guy, mom! He's better than good, he's amazing!” Madeline grinned happily. “He saved Fritz and I some times, and fought along side us when Darren tried to kill me, then healed me! And he totally kicked some Demon butt with us!”

“Well, he sounds like a pretty great guy!” Fionna said with a bright smile now, and ruffled her daughters hair. “Do you love him...?”

“Yeah, I do...” Madeline said with a soft smile on her own lips, before she turned her head to beam happily up at her mother.

“I'm gunna kill him.” A stern voice said to their left, and both heroines turned their heads to see a steaming mad Marshall Lee with his arms crossed in front of him. “I'm seriously gunna kill that purple headed brat.”

“No you won't, Marshall.” Fionna said as she stood up with her daughter, and put her hands on her hips. “You will do no such thing. He's done nothing but help out the kids, and save their lives among others. He even helped rescue us from a prision in the Night'O'sphere that we couldn't escape from on our own.”

“But Madeline is just a baby! She's MY baby girl! MY precious daughter!” Marshll said with a red color to his cheeks as he walked over and pulled his daughter into a tight hug. “I wont hand over my daughter to some flirty vampire! He's over 900 years old, Fionna!”

“... Marshall, please re think everything you just said and apply it to your own situation with your wife.” Alistair pushed open the doors to the infirmary and had a teasing grin on his face. Fionna laughed a bit as she looked at her husband whose cheeks burned a firey red now.

“That... THAT'S DIFFERENT. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.” Marshall argued, but both Alistair and Fionna gave him disapproving looks. “Augh... He didn't even ask if he could date her! What has he done to you, Madeline?!”

“Uh...” Madeline looked up into her fathers eyes as he held her at arms length now, with a worried look on his face. “Well... We held hands and kissed and junk....?”

“See Marshall, it's not so bad. At least they didn't sleep together or anything,” Fionna said with a laugh, as her husband looked a little out of sorts about her statement.

“We've slept together lots of times.” Madeline looked over at her mother with a smile on her face, before she felt her fathers hands grip her arms tightly and shake. She turned to look back up at Marshall, and paled as she saw his head had turned into that of his demon bat form.

“YOU WHAT?! I'M ABSOLUTELY GOING TO KILL HIM NOW. JORDAN, YOU BRAT GET OUT HERE!” Marshall let go of his daughter and threw the doors to the infirmary open. The occupants of the room all stared at the Vampire King with looks of horror, but no one was more terrified than Jordan who was healing a Lollipop person at the time.

“WHOA, THERE MARSHY BOY. CALM DOWN.” Alistair grabbed the kind by his arms to hold him back before he lost his cool in a room full of injured people. “They literally just shared a bed while they were ASLEEP. Ask your daughter!”

“Yeah, Dad! We were just asleep! Why are you so mad...?” Madeline asked her father, a bit upset. “I used to sleep with you and mom all the time!”

“Ah...” Marshall stopped his rampage and looked at his daughter who was giving him a disapproving look with her hands on her hips. “That.... That's not the same, Madeline....”

“ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE DISTURBING THE INJURED NEED TO LEAVE.” Dr. Prince was glaring at Marshall Lee and Alistair, and the vampires both backed out of the room with their hands up, more afraid of the doctor than anything else.

“Marshall Lee... Need I remind you we often slept in the same bed before we were married?” Fionna asked sternly with her hands on her hips as well. The Vampire king paled as he looked at his angry wife, and groaned.

“Fionna, please just back me up on this...!” Marshall said with an exasperated expression. Fritz had now stepped out into the hallway, and looked between his parents.

“I will not back you up while you are being ridiculous.” Fionna spoke sternly and crossed her arms.

“Dad it's a loosing battle... I tried...” Fritz sighed out with an exasperated expression. The doors to the infirmary pushed open once more, and Jordan floated out, giving a wary look to Marshall.

“You....” Marshall looked as if he was about to pounce on Jordan before Madeline floated towards him and took his hands. “Madi!”

“Dad, I love Jordan with all my heart, and I won't let you change my mind.” Madeline spoke with a defiant tone to her father who look like he lost all the air our of his lungs.

“I... What... I....” Marshall grasped for words before Jordan cleared his throat and looked at the Vampire king.

“Can I speak with you alone, Your Majesty?” The purple haired vampire asked and the group outside the infirmary looked shocked by this, including Marshall.

“I...” Marshall watched as Jordan floated around him and down the hallway. The Vampire king looked back at his wife who nodded her head, and he followed after Jordan.

The two vampires floated in silence down the hall, for how long neither of them knew, but it felt like eternity before Jordan broke the silence.

“Marshall... I love your daughter.” Jordan stopped floating, and touched his feet to the ground. He turned to face the king, and clenched his fists. “I know I betrayed your family and your rule, but my uncle had misguided me and fed me the wrong information... I now know everything, and I want to tell you that I'll fight harder that I ever have before to help your family, but I'm mostly fighting for Madeline. I want to have a future with her, one that I hope you're okay with.”

The two vampires stood in silence. Marshall Lee couldn't believe the determination in the other vampires eyes. Jordan knew that he would've killed him for ever word that came out of his mouth, but the king was more shocked than anything at the statement.

“... I... suppose I can't really argue...” Marshall sounded defeated, and it was Jordan's turn to look a bit shocked. “... Glob Jordan.... this is really messed up... It's my daughter... But...”

The king looked down at his feet, clenching his own fists now. He had a look of anguish on his face, before his red eyes looked back up at Jordan. “... I failed to protect the Night'O'Sphere from this... and from what I've heard from my father and the others, I've failed to protect my daughter... but you protected her in my place... So I guess I have no choice but to accept this....”

“Sir...” Jordan smiled a bit at the older vampire, and went to step towards him, but was stopped in his tracks by a warning look from Marshall.

“But I swear to Glob, Gob, Grod and Grob.... I will kill you if you hurt her feelings, or betray my trust.” Marshall's eyes glowed red. “As her Father, I promise that I'll make sure you are obliterated.”

“I wouldn't expect anything less...” Jordan said with a smile, and the Vampire king seemed to calm down, and adjust the tie he wore around his neck. Jordan hooked his arm around the kings shoulders and pulled him close as they floated back down the hallway towards the throne room. “So... When can I start calling you Dad...?”

“WHAT?!” Marshall hissed loudly and Jordan took off quickly with a loud laugh, as he ran away from the mad King.

“What on earth....?” King Gumball asked as he turned his head to look at the door where they could hear shouting. Simone, Pim, Madeline, Fionna and Fritz were all in the room, as well as the Flame Kingdom family.

“Jordan wanted to talk to Dad...” Fritz said, looking at the others in the room, and they all just nodded their head in understanding.

“Well now it's time that we all talk together!” Alistair kicked the door open too the throne room and had both a Jordan and Marshall Lee by the back of their clothing. Donovan seemed to have a smirk on his lips as he floated behind them, giving a shake of his head to his son who was glaring daggers at Jordan. “Time to have a discussion about what the heck we are gunna do bout the front lines coming here!”

“I have some information on that subject, right here.” The whole room turned to look at the door once again as the demoness Keira leaned against the door, holding a letter in her hand. Her boyfriend Greg was right behind her, and he adjusted the glasses on his nose as the two entered the room as well.

“Tell me again, who keeps letting all these Night'O'Sphere weirdos into the palace...” Fuego asked Pim, before his father smacked him on the top of his head.

“What information do you have...?” Fionna asked curiously as the demoness sauntered into the room and handed the letter over to King Gumball.

“It's information based on their plans to take over your world.” Keira told the room, and she crossed her arms as Gumball read the letter over and passed it to Simone. “I had spies in that Snowballs army, and this information got leaked out to the troops the minute they got their hands on the last gem. It looks like they are going to put their plans into action on the day of the Solar eclipse....”

“The Solar Eclipse...?” Alistair and Donovan asked, and looked at eachother.

“They're going to use that old spell...” Alistair bit his thumb as he seemed to be flicking through information in his brain.

“Spell? What spell?” Marshall asked curiously and the room went silent as Alistair let out a loud sigh.

“There's an ancient spell in Vampire Magic... “ Alistair looked up at the rooms occupants, and then looked off to the side. “... The spell is cast on the day of a total solar eclipse... When pulled off right, the whole world will be covered in shadows.... It requires the blood of a Demon and the blood of a Vampire... When cast upon an ancient magic circle... The whole earth will be cast into darkness.”

“No...” Simone gasped and covered her mouth. “Who came up with such a spell...? and Why?!”

“I did...” Alistair said with a grim look, and the whole room went dead quiet again. “I created the spell millennia ago when I was a young vampire... Back then I wanted nothing for the world to be as dark as I felt, I was angry I became a Vampire... I didn't think that any of my old books survived though, I destroyed them long before any of these guys were born!” He gestured to Donovan.

“The time Machine...” Madeline said out loud, and the room turned their heads to look at her. She covered her mouth and looked to Pim, Fritz, Fuego and Jordan. “Adish must have used it before he used it for his own evil deeds....”

“Oh grods....” Flame king looked to the other royalty in the room, “That's why he was allowed to steal it...”

“Okay, but the most important question is when is the next total solar eclipse!” Fionna looked around at everyone.

“June 21.” Bubbles voice called out as she entered the room with Thundra and Hannah in tow behind her. “The next Eclipse is June 21, exactly two weeks from now, two days after Madeline and Fritz's birthday.”

“Yay, what a great present. I'll never need another birthday gift again.” Fritz said sarcastically and put his hands on his face with a groan.

“Two weeks...” Gumball sat down on his throne and Simone put her hands on his shoulder worriedly.

“We can do it!” Pim shouted from the side of the room, and everyone turned to look at him. He clenched his fists, and looked to Madeline. “We can stop them... We WILL stop them! Right Madeline?!”

“Yeah... YEAH!” Madeline floated up into the air, and over to her friend. She grabbed his hands in hers. “We'll train harder than ever, get the castle rebuilt, ready our defences!” She looked back at everyone in the room, and both Fritz and Jordan floated over to her and Pim, and put their hands on their joined ones.

“We've got this!” Fuego shouted as he ran over, and grinned.

“I'll build more weapons of defence!” Bubbles shouted as she ran over too and put her hand in.

“The Lightning Elementals are ready to strike this time!” Thundra walked over with Hannah.

“Kids...” Gumball stood up from his throne and the younger group turned to look up at him.

“We're still alive, and still standing.” Madeline grinned happily, and looked up at the King, before looking over to her parents who were both beaming with pride. “We saved you guys from the Night'O'sphere, we have everyone back home where they belong, and now it's time to defend our home from those stupid vampires who think they can take it from us!”

“They can do it if you all let me train them.” Alistair said with his hands on his hips, smiling. “It's my fault they have that spell.”

“Very well, while you all train, we will prepare all of Aaa for what is to come. They won't take out home from us.” King Gumball stood up from his throne, and beamed at the kids. “But, I think it's time for all of you to go get some rest.”

The meeting was dismissed, and everyone took off to get some rest. It was late into the night, almost early morning. Madeline and Jordan floated down a hallway together and Madeline gently took the vampire's hand in hers, and smiled up at him.

“Jordan, do you mind if I ask you about what happened back in the Night'O'sphere....?” She asked curiously, referring to the rage he went into while they were fighting the demons. She was a bit worried about him, and he looked down at her, his eyes showing he was afraid she would ask that question. “I grabbed this off your neck, I thought it might have something to do with it...” She pulled the amulet out of pocket, it was the one Donovan had given to Jordan.

“Oh...” Jordan took the amulet from her and stared at the red gem in his hands. He remembered that when he was fighting he felt a surge of power coming from it. “Your grandfather gave this to me....”

“I can answer some questions.” A head popped out of no where beside them and the couple both cried out in surprise as they looked at Alistair who was floating there with a big grin plastered on his face.

“Can't you do things normally for once?” Jordan asked, raising an eyebrow at his master.

“No, because then life would be boring.” Alistair laughed happily, as he touched his feet to the ground. He twirled the amulet he had snatched out of Jordan's hand, around his finger. “Would you both like to know what this thing is?”

“That would be helpful.” Jordan's tone was flat, as he crossed his arms.

“It's my fault, I should have mentioned what it did.” Donovan popped into existence behind the couple now, who spun around in surprise. “But if you'd like to explain, Alistair. By all means.”

“Why thank you Donny, shall we all have a float and chat?” Alistair grinned and looked at spot in the air above their hands. The couple looked up as Marshall Lee soon materialized above them with an angry expression on his face. The couple looked shocked again once more at the appearance of the current Vampire King and Jordan sighed.

“Anyone else who was following us?” The purple haired vampire asked with and exhausted tone. A head poked around the corner with a pair of furrowed eyebrows and a frown on his face. “Fritz, I should have known...”

“Well it does involve all of us, I think it's far we all get an explanation.” Marshall said with his arms crossed over his chest. Fritz floated up beside his grandfather and nodded as well.

“Well... What is it...?” Madeline asked first, and looked to Alistair.

“Good starter question.” Alistair held up the gem, and a toothy grin appeared on his face. “This here is the Royal gem of Blood. Passed down from King to King, this is proof of Vampire Royalty and only those who qualify for the position of King or Queen are able to access it's power and use it.”

“So how come I never got it...?” Marshall asked curiously, looking a bit hurt. He looked to his father who had a frown on his face.

“I believed strongly you didn't need it, My son.” Donovan said with a frown, and he looked towards Marshall. “You have not only my blood, but your mothers demon blood coursing through your veins. You have untapped power within you, making this amulet pointless. You're far stronger with out it.”

“Hmm... All right.” Marshall accepted his fathers explanation with ease, knowing he did what was right. “So you gave it to Jordan, does that mean you think he'd make a good Vampire King?”

“Honestly, yes.” Donovan said with a flat tone, causing the others to look at him with surprise. “After you're finished with your reign, of course.”

“Wait, what?” Fritz and Jordan both asked at the same time, and they looked at each other.

“What do you mean?” Marshall demanded from his father, who shrugged his shoulders.

“Am I the only one here who knows he loves your daughter? Because I'm pretty sure I'm not.” Donovan's sarcasm was heavy in his words, and Marshall glowered over at Jordan. “Anyone with a brain can tell they'll stay together.”

“Family matters aside, clearly this amulet has recognized Jordan as a potential owner.” Alistair laughed a bit to break the tension.

“Okay, so how come I couldn't control it?” Jordan asked, a frown appearing on his face.

“Practice,” Alistair grinned at him, and looked to Donovan. “Donny over there couldn't use it for a few years, himself. You just need to practice to use this beauty here.” He held up the gem, before tossing it to Jordan.

“It will grant you powers equal to Madeline and Fritz's.” Donovan let out a sigh, and crossed his arms. “We can help you use it's power.”

“Algebraic...!” Madeline clapped her hands happily, and looked to Jordan. “That's so amazing!”

“But, before that. I think it's time for all of us to rest. It's been a long day... and the future of Aaa is at stake. We don't have long before Azazel and his army arrive at our door step. We must prepare ourselves these next few weeks.” Alistair's grin was forced now, and the group all looked down at their feet, grimacing. “Remember... we only have two weeks...”

A few days later, Madeline and Fritz were in the courtyard, turned training ground. They stood facing eachother, both with serious expressions.

“Okay, We are going to focus on just magic today, no weapons.” Alistair called out from the shade of the wall. Beside him were Keira, Greg and Jordan, all sitting on the ground with sour looks.

“What is this sun, nonsense.” Kiera complained, looking at the line that separated safe and unsafe ground for them. “How can those two stand to be out in that blazing light? I want to go back home...”

“Kiera, we don't have a home to return too just yet...” Greg said with a frown as he put a hand on her head.

“The sun's not so bad if your dressed for it, and don't mind risking your life.” Jordan said with a shrug of his shoulders. He too wanted to be training with the twins, but the sun was a major problem for him. He let out a sigh, and fumbled with the amulet in his fingers.

“We will all train together when the sun goes down, be patient.” Alistair grinned down at the Night'O'Sphere dwellers, before looking back at the twins. They both seemed to be focusing, an air of magic seemed to crackle around them. “Alright, you two ready?!”

“Ready!” The Twins shouted, not breaking eye contact with each other. Alistair lifted a whistle to his mouth.

“3... 2... 1... GO!” He blew the whistle, and a sharp noise run out, causing the demons and Jordan to clap their hands over their sensitive ears, groaning in pain.

Madeline brought up a fist full of fire, and batted away Fritz's lightning attack. She ran at him, the flames on her hand disappearing before being replaced by whispy shadows. Fritz brought up his hands, and the ground below them shifted, below them and shot up to create a wall in Madeline's path.

She grinned and jumped into the easily, and soared over the wall. She landed behind her brother who swung around to aim a punch at her, his own fist clouded in shadows. Both of their powers met with a bang, and smoke covered the field.

“Huh, they're getting pretty good...” Kiera said with an approving nod as the twins jumped out of the smoke, and ran around it to attack each other again. “Madeline's aggressive, while Fritz is taking the defensive...”

“Madeline is a stronger fighter than her brother...” Alistair said with a nod himself, as the twins both threw elemental spells at each other. “But as a combination they'd be unbeatable.... SCENARIO 4! GO!” He shouted, and the demons and Jordan both looked up at one of the castle walls, as Thundra leaped out of hiding, and came crashing down at the unsuspecting twins. Fritz brought up another wall of dirt to block the lightning attack, while Madeline danced around it, and ran at Thundra full speed. “WORK TOGETHER NOW! TAKE HER DOWN!”

“RIGHT!” The twins shouted together, and Fritz moved his hands, focusing on his sisters path. Pillars of earth shot up here and there to block Thundra's quick attacks, before Madeline dove out from behind one, and her fist coated itself in ice. She brought a powerful blow down on the princess, who brought her hands up to catch the ice. It crackled and shattered, but Madeline was prepared with a kick, and she sent it flying at the top of the girls head, and knocked her crown off. Alistair blew his whistle, and the twins looked at him.

“Scenario 4, completed. Thanks Thundra,” The Vampire grinned at the princess who grumbled as she picked up her crown. “SCENARIO 7! GO!”

The twins raised their eyebrows in confusion, before a flurry of ice shards shot out from their left. Pim was on the field, and his ice attack was not letting up. Fritz brought his hands up quickly, and  wall of fire sprang to life. He looked at his sister, who nodded her head. She shot up into the air over the wall, and caught Pim's attention. He redirected his attacks to the vampire princess who spun around in the air all over the place to avoid them. He frowned, before he felt a powerful blow to his stomach. Fritz was there, his eyes blazing as he hit his friend in the stomach with a firey fist of his own, and knocked him back into the ground.

“Dang, no mercy.” Jordan said, as Fritz realized what he did and started to help his friend up, apologizing profusely. “What's the point of this...?”

“To test their will, even against their friends. You never know what could happen.” Alistair said, and blew his whistle. “Scenario 7 finished! Pim come over here, Jordan will help you out.”

“Thanks...” Pim groaned as he hobbled over to the Vampires and demons, and sat down next to them. Thundra was standing in the shadows now too, her arms crossed over her chest. “He didn't hold back...”

“I'm sorry Pim!” Fritz called out from the field, and the Candy prince just waved a hand.

“No worries! Good shot!” Pim shouted back as Jordan helped him with some healing magic.

“SCENARIO 12! GO!” Alistair shouted with another sharp whistle blast.

“Who is it this time...?” Madeline asked as she stood next to her brother defensively.

The ground rumbled beneath them, and the twins looked down. Fritz scanned the ground with his eyes, before he grabbed Madeline by the arm and pulled her out of the way with him into the air. The ground split and cracked, and a drill bore its way out of the dirt. It turned into a hand, and a giant robot pulled itself up out f the hole, and a giddy Bubbles grinned at them from inside. It was at least the size of a tree, and had bulky hands and feet. She sat in a cockpit in the middle of it.

“OH MAN, THATS SO MATH!” Madeline laughed happily, pointing at it.

“It is, please don't wreck it too much, it's a prototype.” Bubbles said with a wink, before she attacked the twins with the robot's fists. They swooped out of the way, and flew up into the air above the robot, looking down at it. Madeline thought about a plan of attack. She didn't want to wreck the robot the princess had spent many hours working on... She looked to Fritz, who was also thinking long and hard.

“I got it.” He said, and smiled at his sister. He clapped his hands together, before pulling them apart. In his right hand, a flower appeared. “Grab that. We'll circle around her and tie up the limbs.”

“Got it.” Madeline smiled as she grabbed hold of the flower growing out of her brothers palm. She pulled, and as she did, a vine appeared. It kept growing and growing, no matter how much she pulled. The twins swooped down around Bubbles, who had now started shooting lasers at them, trying to shoot them out of the air. Fritz flew in and out of her legs, making sure to get the vine wrapped around them, while Madeline swerved under and around the arms.

“PULL!” Fritz shouted, and the twins flew full force away from eachother. The vine tightened around the robot, and it came crashing down. Bubbles opened the cock pit, coughing through the dust that was kicked up.

“Scenario 12, passed!” Alistair gave the twins a thumbs up, before they twins helped Bubbles pull the vines off the robot, laughing with her as they did.

“You guys are full of surprises.” Kiera said with a grin, looking to the Candy and Lightning Royalty that had grouped with the Night'O'Sphere natives in the shadows now. “I can see why you were giving Snowball and his kid a run for their money.”

“The suns starting to set...” Jordan said, looking up at the sky that was coloured with pink and orange hues. He looked back at the Twins, who were pulling the last of the vines off of the robot while bubbles started it up again and got it going to get it out of the way.

“SCENARIO 17!” Alistair shouted, and the twins looked up at him, before a tornado of fire crashed down onto the field. It continued to spin violently, and Madeline smiled, as she spun around and blasted cold air at the tornado.

“Fritz, go!” She said happily, as her brother nodded his head and ran towards the swirling flames. The sides of it exploded out into a pair of hands that quickly began closing in on Fritz as if to capture him in their firey palms. The blonde boy slid to a stop, and threw his hands out to the sides. Gets of water exploded from his palms, while Madeline leaped over his head, and headed straight for the tornado of flames. The water extinguished the hands of fire, and Fritz moved his hands to quickly get rid of the arms that came with them, as his sister made her way closer to flames. Just before she leaped into them, she threw her hands out to the sides like Fritz, before pointing them at the fire tornado, and blasting it with a blizzard from her palms.

“Dang, they can do elemental magic better than the elementals.” Kiera commented with a laugh, and the Candy royalty and Thundra both frowned at her. “Hey Jordan, if you ever have a kid with that girl, marry it off to my kid. They'd be killer.”

“I'm not promising anything,” Jordan said with a flat tone, and the demoness laughed loudly.

Madeine kept up her blizzard attack, while Fritz finished his up, and jumped over her head. He held his hands up in the air, pointing them at the wall of flames, before shooting a jet of water at them, extinguishing them. Fuego stood in the middle, jumping back from the water and snow that threatened to put him out.

“Geez, and that was my best trick.” He complained, and looked at the twins who laughed and fist bumped each other.  

“Scenario 17, completed!” Alistair said with a loud laugh, and the group looked to the sky. He cracked his knuckles as they saw the last of the sunlight disappear from the clouds, and he stepped forwards from the wall. “Final Scenario...”

“Aw sick, it's our turn, Greg!” Kiera grinned up at her demon boyfriend, who nodded his head. The two got up and followed Alistair out onto the field. Jordan frowned as he watched his old Vampire master walk towards the twins who were clearly caught off guard by this last test of his.

“Hey now, do you think they're ready for you?!” He called out to the older vampire, who shrugged his shoulders.

“We will find out. If they can't beat me and these guys, they can't beat Azazel.” Alistair held eye contact with the twins as they readied themselves. “... Come at me with everything you two got, no holding back.”

“This is going to be so cool...” Fuego had come over to take a seat with the rest of them, and Jordan floated up to his feet, watching with anticipation. He caught Madeline's eye, and she gave him a wink, before looking back to Alistair.

“You're both doing very well, but lets see if you can fend off Demons while trying to go for the big guy. I also will have unexpected help from others.” Alistair said with a grin, and he crossed his arms. “Try and take my tartan,” He told them, gesturing to the plaid scarf tied around his hips. “If you can take it, the scenario will be completed.”

“Fritz... Think we can win...?” Madeline asked her brother, her fists up in front of her.

“Of course, he's just a stupid old vampire. We've got this.” Fritz said, smiling at his sister reassuringly. “We can do anything together.”

“You're right...” Madeline smiled, and twins stood at the ready for the signal. Kiera grabbed at her hip, and pulled at the handle of a whip. It lashed out in front of her, and a ball with spikes crashed onto the ground in front of her. Greg grabbed the handle of the axe on his back, and pulled it off it's resting spot. He took his dorky glasses off his face and pocketed them.

“READY?!” Hannah was standing on top of a candy wall, and she had a whistle.

“Hannah's really been helping Alistair out lately,” Bubbles said as she watched the group nod to the candy princess.

“She felt useless during the battle, so instead she chose to hep Alistair with what ever he needed. I guess he's cooking something up in his room to help protect us.” Pim smiled up at his girlfriend. “She seems to be enjoying it.”

“FINAL SCENARIO! EVERYONE IN PLAY!” Hannah shouted, startling everyone who knew her. They had no idea the shy cotton candy princess could yell so loud. She brought the whistle to her lips and blew into it sharply.

At the sound, Madeline and Fritz shot forwards towards their master and his demon accomplices. Kiera  pulled at her whip, and spun it over her head, sending the ball flying towards Madeline. The vampire princess planted her feet in the ground, and brought her hands up. They started to glow red, as they stopped the spike covered ball from hitting her, and she yanked on it. Kiera held fast to the handle as Madeline yanked on the ball, the two seeming to have a tug of war for a brief second, before Madeline's hands sparked to life and she sent electricity trough the weapon towards it's master. Kiera quickly let go of the handle at the first shock, and threw it to the side, before she ran at the princess. Madeline tossed the ball off to the side, before she brought up a wall of earth to stop the demoness. Kiera wasn't deterred though, as she ran up the wall, and jumped over it. The horns on her forehead grew, and her hair turned white. She pulled out a pair of jagged dagger, as she came crashing down towards Madeline who back flipped out of the way of the demoness's path of destruction. Kiera landed on the ground in a crouch, before she she used the momentum to launch herself at Madeline.

“GLOB!” Madeline cried out, as she dodged the flurry of stabs Kiera was dealing out. The daggers flashed with a crackle of blood red magic, and Madeline looked the demoness in the eyes. They seemed to glow red, and Madeline continued to dodge the attack, before she brought her hands up. She had been reading Kiera's movements, and she caught one of her wrists, and sent a wave of electricity into her body, as she spun around, and threw her into the ground.

Meanwhile, Fritz was dealing with Greg, who had come at him pretty fast for a big guy with a big weapon. He glanced to Alistair who stood in the middle of the training field, yawning. Fritz grumbled with annoyance, as he ducked under a swing of Greg's axe, and swiped his leg out at the demons. Greg was surprisingly agile though, and had jumped to void the attack, before bringing the axe down on Fritz. The Vampire prince's eyes widened in panic, before he brought his hands up and a wall of ice shielded him just enough for him to roll out of danger. The ice shattered from the impact, and Greg spun around to attack again, but Fritz was faster. He moved around the demon, getting behnd him, before he jumped up and kicked him in the back of the head with a flaming foot.

“OOOO. Dang, Fritz is almost better with flames than I am.” Fuego commented, and Pim put a hand on his stomach, and nodded his head in agreement.

“Greg and Kiera are the best of the best... but their getting beat by these two...” Jordan said with a thoughtful look. “I think we have a winning chance... Madeline and Fritz aren't even using their full powers yet... and no weapons.”

“There's still you too,” Thundra commented, and Jordan looked at her as the twins continued to fight the demons. “We still have yet to see what that fancy amulet of yours can do.”

“You're right... though I don't know if I can control it...” Jordan sighed.

Fritz and Madeline had both finally put the demons on the ground successfully, and they did not get back up to fight, but to go take a seat.

“Powerful brats...” Kiera huffed out, as Jordan helped them out. They had both taken pretty big hits from the twins, who were now circling a smiling Alistair.

“I'm going in!” Madeline shouted as she shot towards their master, who moved out of the way with ease. He grabbed Madeline by the ankle, and spun around before throwing her towards a castle wall. Fritz used the distraction to attack him from behind with a punch, but the ginger haired vampire was too fast, and a wall of ice came up behind him, before a vampire clawed fist smashed through it and grabbed Fritz by the front of his jacket. The ice melted away and Fritz looked up, horrified by the grin on Alistair's face.

“You need to be faster than that to pull the wool over my eyes.” Alistair said with a chuckle, before he threw Fritz into the ground.

“HAA!” Madeline was behind Alistair in a flash, and she grabbed him from behind. Her arms coiled around their masters head, and she pulled it back. “FRITZ!”

“Got it...!” Fritz groaned in pain, before he looked up at the struggling Alistair. Madeline began freezing his head with ice, and Fritz reached out and grabbed the tartan scarf on his waist, and ripped it off of him.

The Vampire stumbled back with a Madeline still holding onto him, freezing his noggin. Fritz jumped away from the both of them, before Madeline released Alistair and the vampire shattered the ice.

“Good job... Got a brain freeze from that one.” The vampire laughed, and the people on the sidelines clapped their hands with enthusiasm. “Good team work.”

“Haha, yeah!” Madeline high fived her brother who returned the tartan to Alistair. “So, is that all for today?”

“No, we still have one more person to deal with.” Alistair tied the tartan back around his waist, and looked over at Jordan. “Get your butt over here, it's your turn.”

“Mine...?” Jordan asked as he floated from his spot with everyone else, towards the twins and Alistair. “What am I gong to do...?”

“We're going to see what you've got.” Alistair said, pointing to the amulet around Jordan's neck. “I want you to try using that.”

“But... What if he can't control it?” Fritz asked, pushing his hair out of his face. Him and Madeline both looked tired from their long training session.

“That's what we've got you two for.” Alistair said with a toothy grin, and patted Fritz on the back. “I think you can do it. We're mostly seeing if he can control it in a peaceful environment, before we introduce stressers like demons. So lets all just... take a step back...”

Alistair took more than just one back from Jordan, and the twins looked at him with concern, before looking at Jordan. Fritz started following suit, but Madeline stayed put.

“Madeline... you should stand back, or I could hurt you.” Jordan told her, frowning at his precious vampire princess.

“No, I'll be right here.” Madeline smiled warmly at him, and Jordan returned it with his own. He put the amulet on around his neck, and took a deep breath.

“How do I activate it properly...?” Jordan asked Alistair who had begun making a rock wall in front of himself and the group of onlookers behind him. Jordan gave him a flat look of distrust, and Alistair laughed.

“Just say Lamia regio, da mihi potestatem.” Alistair told him, and pulled Fritz behind the wall. “And it should work. Good luck.”

“... Not very confident, are we?” Jordan muttered, and looked over at Madeline. “Alright... here goes nothing I guess.”

Jordan took a deep breath to ready himself. He didn't want to hurt anyone in the immediate area, he just wanted to test the power of this amulet... He closed his eyes, trying to focus. Madeline was right beside him, she wouldn't let him hurt anyone... They would all be okay...

“Lamia regio, da mihi potestatem...” The words he spoke rang clearly, and Madeline took a step back away from him, as a dark magic crackled around her boyfriend. He opened his eyes, and they were glowing red. His vampire claws grew, and he gritted his teeth together. The air of magic around him grew in size, and Madeline was forced to step further away. It swirled darkly, before Jordan bent over in pain. With a sickening tearing sound, black leathery wings came from his back, and his short purple hair grew rapidly in length.

“Jordan!” Madeline shouted with concern, and he looked up at her with those glowing red eyes. She clenched her hands into tight fists, before she ran towards him. “Jordan?! Are you alright?!” She asked  as she broke through the air of magic, and ran to his side.

“WHOA, MADELINE! NOT A GOOD IDEA!” Alistair shouted from behind his protective wall. The others had gathered around him and Fritz to get a closer look at the scene before them.

“Jordan....?” Madeline knelt beside her boyfriend who was brought to his knees. His claws dug into the ground, and she could hear him groaning.

“I-I'm okay...” He choked out to her, lifting a hand to his face. “Just... hurts... The wings thing....”

“Yeah, it does....” Madeline said with a frown, before she moved to touch his shoulder. “You... need help...?”

“No....” Jordan lifted his head up, and looked up at her with his glowing blood red eyes. The magical air around them both slowly started to disappear, and he stood up properly. Madeline rose to her feet with him, and he looked down at his hands, forcing them to return to look normal.

“His hair is even more ridiculous than before...” Fritz muttered to the group, as they noticed the Vampire's purple locks had grown out again, almost al the way to his feet. “Almost as bad as Madeline's.”

“Looks good on him.” Thundra commented, and Bubbles and Hannah both nodded in agreement, the cotton candy princess having come down from the wall to get a closer look at things.

“His powers are incredible...” Bubbles held up a magic meter, and Pim leaned over to look with her.

“Wow... They're off the charts, like Madeline and Fritz's....” Pim commented, a look of shock on his face. “What is that amulet made of...?”

“Former Vampire King blood.” Alistair commented with a casual tone, and the group looked at him with exasperated looks.

“That's kind of a big deal,” Kiera said with a frown. “Why in Grob's name would they make something like that...?”

“Each Vampire king adds their blood to the amulet,” Alistair said with a grin, “Making each king stronger than the next, to preserve the vampire race.”

“I'm going to need a haircut again....” Jordan said as he pulled his hair back with his hands. “Though I'd rather not... I kind of like it.”

“I LOVE IT!” Madeline clapped her hands, and helped him tie his hair back. “I'm glad you're feeling alright...”

“I think, it's thanks to you.” Jordan said, and looked down at his girlfriend after she finished with his hair. “... I kept telling myself I didn't want to hurt anyone... but I especially didn't want to hurt you... Thank you for trusting me...”

“Of course.” Madeline smiled brightly up at him. “I know you'd never hurt me...”

“My Princess...” Jordan smiled down at her warmly, before he leaned in and kissed her lips. “I could never harm you...” He whispered against her lips after he finished their kiss.

“HEY! NO MAKING OUT ON THE TRAINING GROUNDS!” Fritz shouted in anger, causing the couple to laugh.
Here it is!
The two year wait is finally over!

I hope you all enjoy it, I'm sorry if it seems clustered or rushed, I'm trying to get back into writing....

uh, enjoy?
© 2017 - 2024 Ciaxlia
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DearConnorMurphy's avatar
I'm totally going to have to read this again, I'm way behind. I started reading this like six years ago, so pretty much since the beginning. It was like the first fanfic I ever read and I completely fell in love with the story